Huhuhuhuhuhu Man Utd bungkus :(

Bayern celebrate kejayaan ke semifinal ...sedey aku :(

Mlm tadi aku witness the most sad moment of Man Utd game....diorang start brilliantly..mane xnye first half 3 bijik gol tu!!! the 1st 3 minit oun dh score...aku budget nie mesti Bayern kene tapau baik punye...

Ribery ngan Robben kene possession Man Utd time tu very good laa..the 1st problem start mase Olic score 1st goal utk Bayern...very bad man marking from Carrick...lebih bagus ko jadi carrot aje carrick...

Aku rase Man Utd dh cuak coz Bayern dh start dpt early goal...Then after double fault by Rafeal (main ganas sgt mamat nie), die kene red card...hahhahaha...ape lagi...sedap laa Bayern...skang possession diorang dh pegang....

Mase 2nd half..diorang dpt corner, aku prasan xde sape yg marking Robben time tu..mamat tu mmg dh tunggu nk rembat bile dpt bola muntah...skali prediction aku betul...goal pulak tu...aduh!!!!! Aku dh agak nie mlm mmg suei laa utk utk Man Utd..

Utk next round aku nk support Barca la plak...


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