
Showing posts from April, 2010

Barca akhirnya tunduk ke bumi...

Nama masuk TV

Man Utd close the gap for the Premier League title !!

Nav 7: Terengganu

MAS syarikat penerbangan Asia pertama berlepas dari Frankfurt

Free Roasted Coffee and Hash Brown

Nav 4: Solo

MPV terbabas, terbakar: Achik Spin maut nahas ngeri

Penerbangan ke Eropah terjejas

Alhamdulilah....ujan :)

Mari memasak!!!

Baby tido

Syukur ..aku pas Nav Solo Check

82 cedera pesawat Merpati Nusantara Airlines terbabas

Sky Bus

Sky Bus

Utk sesape yg naik Sky Bus

Navigation 3: Nav Solo Check

Lunch with Chef Apiz

Rumah terapung kene tarik

Viva Barcelona!

Huhuhuhuhuhu Man Utd bungkus :(

Arsengal kene tapau

Sudara Beach Resort

Welcome Batch 31

Drogba: You were off side!!!