Welcome Batch 31
Welcome to new batch...batch 31!!!! So, tadi aku pegi crew residence utk debate competition sempena Safety Program...tapi bukan aku yg berdebat...batch 19 vs 20..so far ok lahh...
Nk ckp aku reti pun xde laa reti sgt...Aku jadi emcee aje..plus time keeper...senang aje keje tu..xde la susah mane...
But ape yg aku perhati..bagus gak program2 cam gini coz bley encourage cadet speak english confidently, safely and accurately...hehheheheh
Selain batch 19, and 20 yg dtg...junior batch pun ade ...tapi bile tgk muke diorang teringat mase time aku masuk dulu..muke2 blank n jakun...
Pas abis aje debate budak2 31 ade orientation ngan Capt Rizal...kesian laaa diorang kene mcm2...after kene potong botak laa budak2 nie ....All the best to all juniors!!
Capt Rizal tgh lead the orientation