Azizi Ali, captain of his domain (Part 3)
How many books have you written?
More than 30. They are all about money. Four on property investment – ‘How to become property millionaire’, ‘How to become millionaire landlord’, ‘Winning at property auctions’ and ‘How to pay off your house loan within five years.’ I also publish books by other authors. There’s one about ‘40 questions you want to ask your lawyer about property investment’, another about ‘millionaire real estate guide for beginners’ and also one about property auction.
When do you plan to launch your next book?
No target date yet. It never ends because the moment I finish one book, I start on another (laughs). Some people play golf. Some fish. Some scuba dive. I write. I am happy doing it. I can do it for days on end. It’s not work for me. We are always on the lookout for authors. It doesn’t have to be about money. I publish books on health, parenting, cats, and so on.
Any additional advice to share with our readers?
Read as many books as you can about money matters. You will lead richer and happier life. You need to learn and read because the world is constantly changing. Many of people are innocent and they don’t know what hit them.
Azizi Ali runs property seminars in Malaysia. For more information on his upcoming seminars, books or money matters, call 03-7880 1051 or visit
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